Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cambria County's Own Prison Queen Kathy Holtzman Endorses Gleason Owned Candidates

Cambria County's OWN PRISON QUEEN KATHY HOLTZMAN ENDORSES GLEASON OWNED CANDIDATES:  There has been a great deal of smoke and mirrors about Cambria's Correction System.  Patriots, don't be fooled.  Cambria County's Prisoner Coddler Queen and builder of Cambria's Taj Mahal prison, Kathy Holtzman is firmly standing behind the Gleason Machine candidates.  The only change you can expect to see on the Cambria Corrections scene is that this Country Club Prison, maybe renamed in Ms. Holtzman's honor.  Why is Kathy Holtzman so keen on spending taxpayers' funds on prisoners?   We Patriots aren't entirely sure but we have some conjectures.   We believe there is gold in them thar Prison contracts.  Secondly, we believe that Gunner Gleason, super-criminal lawyer and the most charming member of the Gleason Machine (he has saved the necks of some of our Patriots) may wish to have even more control over the Criminal Justice system in the County and make sure his clients are housed in style, in the Holtzman Country Club.  If any of our Patriot readers can help flush out this issue, we would certainly, appreciate the help.  Here is what the Ebensburg Patriot's recommend:  Retain Arizona's Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpiao, as a consultant to reform Cambria County Corrections.  Sheriff Arpaio knows how to rehabilitate the worst that society has to offer.  So the Gleason-owned candidates,  want Prison Queen Holtzman as their consultant. Russell wants Sheriff Arpaio as his consultant. Patriots, you make the choice-it's not difficult.

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