Wednesday, October 26, 2011


An angry crotchety senior from Johnstown 8th Ward called into us a few days ago.  He said we PATRIOTS were right about Ann Wilson and that she should resign as Cambria GOP CHAIR.   The feisty codger claimed his wife told him that the City of Johnstown was taxing his bowel movements.  According to him his Old Lady ranted that it wasn't enough that Wilson raised his CITY Real Estate taxes; now she wanted to tax his bowel movements.  The rest of the story is the old guy used to take METAMUCIL.   He claimed he took it with water and a some Wild Turkey to help it go down.   When he heard about the Bowel Movement tax, he cut out the METAMUCIL and got severely constipated.  After severe cramping, the Senior went  to the ER and a friendly GI DOC did a disimpaction on him.   He said that he would like to do a disimpaction on GOP COUNCILWOMAN Wilson to thank her for the City's Bowel Movement tax.  WE strongly cautioned  the irate Senior taxpayer and property owner  to settle himself down; not be an embarrassment to our Patriot movement and  if that  he really wanted to send Ann Wilson and the GleasonMachine a message, that he should write-in Valenty and Col. Bill Russell. 

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