Monday, October 10, 2011


 If you are at the GOP VICTORY Center and see a pale white guy in a soiled sweat and Steelers ski cap, blinking uncontrollably while trying to force a yard sign at you,  call 911 immediately.  Your quick action could lead to Mr. Quillon's release from his GleasonMACHINE Brainwashers.   His blinking maybe his  desperate attempt to send you and his family a coded message.  We pray for his release everyday.  We cherish the moment when  the Tribune Democrat will cover:  1.VALENTYGATE,  a threat to independent GOP Municipal government  2. Wissinger, SON OF GLEASON, Councilwoman and Cambria GOP Chair, Ann Wilson, tax-raisers all.  3.  The GleasonMachine's Cambria EARNOUT strategy.   Cambria voters need to know what the Harrisburg operatives know, what PATRIOTS know, and finally what is whispered at all those Country Club bars. 

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