Thursday, October 27, 2011


In the GLEASONMACHINE's    most recent attack mailer,  they make reference to "OBAMA style politics."   What the GleasonMachine failed to disclose was that their firm recently merged with Obama's favorite insurer, Arthur J. Gallagher.  So even though the Gleasons have gotten fully  in bed with Obama's favorite insurer, they link other Cambrians to our First Muslim President that really have nothing to do with him.   This putrid hypocrisy is what we can expect of a GLEASONMACHINE let puppet government in Cambria County.  If you want to send OBAMA, his favorite insurer and the GleasonMachine  a message vote against the GleasonMachine puppet candidates.   Stop the GleasonMachine's earnout strategy in Cambria County. 

1 comment:

  1. I thought machine politics was for the big, big cities like Chicago. Apparently we have our own version of sell-outs and pay to play. I am suprised it is being done by operatives in the Republican Party. I guess when these guys get in they just can't help but dip their hand in the till.

    I know that Salvatore Valenty was not a sellout and I wish he were on the ballot. I'm a Republican and I live in Cresson and I just wish I had some politicians that would watch out for me and my family. I'm writing in Salvator Valenty this election.

    Dean B
