The impetus for the Ebensburg Patriot movement is excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize Cambria County citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
We understand Professor Legenfelder recently won a cow-milking contest. This did not surprise us Patriots because Legenfelder is good milker. We want to know how many government pensions he has and how many government pensions he covets? We would like to know how many of his 33 degrees were paid for by the Government? We want to know how much the Gleason Machine has invested in Professor Triple Dipper Legenfelder's new political career, including the Valenty law-suit, and what the Gleason Machine expects in return? We Patriots openly admit Colonel Russell, our candidate, does not have the 33 degrees that Professor Legenfelder has earned. But Colonel Russell is independent and courageous. So voters, if you want tax-payer friendly, independent government in Cambria County, join the Russell Brigades assault on Ebensburg.
Happy Birthday to our great nation, PATRIOTS! We salute all Patriot friends or foes who have served this great nation in the armed services. We salute local and courageous leaders like feisty Senior Sam Valenty and Colonel Bill Russell for wanting to create independent tax-payer friendly government in this County. It takes courageous men, like water-magnate Valenty, who suffered political emasculation, at the hands of the Gleason machine, in order to maintain his independence and in order for him to be able to look himself in the mirror, like a MAN. Patriots, we hope you can proudly look at yourself in the mirror on this fine Holiday on Monday
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Patriot Russell has signed our pledge declaring the Ebensburg Courthouse a Gleason-machine free zone. The Gleason Machine is running the City of Johnstown and that's a big enough job. Patriot Russell is demanding that all other Commissioner Candidates sign this pledge before our nation's birthday!
Bill Russell,
Cambria County,
Cambria County Commissioner,
Rob Gleason
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
The answer is NO, if you are over 70 and you are a Gleason machine peon, you have a free pass to contribute to public life in Cambria County! If you are over 70, but don't agree with Gleason machine tyranny, you should make your reservations at the home. There is no place for you in Cambria County public life or in the Cambria GOP. Since there are only a dwindling handful of Seniors who are mindless Gleason machine devotees and who have passed the litmus of the Gleason Machine tribunal, then most of Cambria County Seniors will be left in the cold, like feisty Senior Sam Valenty. If you are approaching 70 or over 70 years of age, and want to independently contribute to Cambria County public life and remain active citizens of this County, join the Russell Brigade's assault on Ebensburg.
Bill Russell,
Cambria County,
Cambria County Commissioner,
Gleason Machine,
Rob Gleason,
Sam Valenty
The popularity of feisty Senior Sam Valenty is soaring to epic proportions among Cambria County Patriots. And the water magnate is fast becoming a local folk hero. To help fund our activities, we will soon be offering for sale Valenty tees. All in XL for $25.00, shipping and taxes included. The tees will feature an enlarged head shot of the self-made Water magnate Valenty sitting atop a burning cross. These tees make excellent nightgowns for Patriot wives and significant others. Patriots: Buy and proudly wear your Valenty tee as a sign of dissent to the Cambria Gleason Machine Tyranny!
Ebensburg Patriots,
Rob Gleason,
Sam Valenty
Allegedly, Ann Wilson Holds Workshop for Gleason Machine Butt Boy Candidates
According to Patriot informants, while most Cambria County voters, were enjoying THUNDER IN THE VALLEY, Gleason Machine Den Mother and Johnstown City Councilperson, Ann Wilson, held a workshop for Gleason Machine Butt Boy Candidates Legenfelder and Wissinger on the best practices of Johnstown City Government. It is hard for this weary taxpayer to keep a straight face about this, and that is saying a great deal,because, this Patriot has not been able to crack a smile since Reagan was President. According to reports, Professor Triple Dipper Legenfelder wanted to leave the workshop early, but allegedly Council woman Wilson, lightly slapped him in the face and reminded the Professor that you just can't learn about efficient well-oiled local Government, like the City of Johnstown's, from a textbook. If you want to keep Gleason Machine government contained to the City of Johnstown, then join the Russell Brigades November assault on Ebensburg!
Ann Wilson,
Cambria County Commissioer,
Ebensburg Patriots,
Mark Wissinger,
Rob Gleason,
Russell Brigade,
Thunder in the Valley
Friday, June 24, 2011
Sam Valenty's ballot challenge is frivolous and without merit
This ballot challenge is costing generous PAGOP donors from around the state. Instead of filling its coffers for the 2012 elections, the Gleason Machine is spending donor money on frivolous and moot appeals. At the expense of the donors of the PAGOP, Gleason has become a vexatious litigant
Does the TRIB DEM support making Gleason Machine Cambria County Broker of Record at all cost to tax payers-this position will certainly earn litigant Chris Geason's assistant Patty Kinry another large tyranny bonus.
PAGOP Finance Chair is Chris Gleason, Emperor Gleason's Raul Castro. Fidel has nothing on the Gleason Machine tyranny in Cambria County.
Even the casual reader of the TRIB DEM knows that Patty Kinry is PAGOP' s Finance Chair GLEASON's personal assistant. Can't any of the TRIB DEM's investigative reporters walk 1/2 block to the Gleason Machine's HQ? Hope Patty Kinry, Assistant to PAGOP's Raul Castro, Chris Gleason gets a well earned tyranny bonus.
Its time for the fiesty Senior Sam Valenty to joins forces with the Russell Brigade and there elite media admirers.
Does the TRIB DEM support making Gleason Machine Cambria County Broker of Record at all cost to tax payers-this position will certainly earn litigant Chris Geason's assistant Patty Kinry another large tyranny bonus.
PAGOP Finance Chair is Chris Gleason, Emperor Gleason's Raul Castro. Fidel has nothing on the Gleason Machine tyranny in Cambria County.
Even the casual reader of the TRIB DEM knows that Patty Kinry is PAGOP' s Finance Chair GLEASON's personal assistant. Can't any of the TRIB DEM's investigative reporters walk 1/2 block to the Gleason Machine's HQ? Hope Patty Kinry, Assistant to PAGOP's Raul Castro, Chris Gleason gets a well earned tyranny bonus.
Its time for the fiesty Senior Sam Valenty to joins forces with the Russell Brigade and there elite media admirers.
Cambria County Commissioer,
Chris Gleason,
Patty Kinery,
Rob Gleason,
Russell Brigade,
Sam Valenty,
Tribune Democrat
We applaud first-time Candidate Valenty's courage in Challenging Gleason Machine tyranny. And ee applaud the first-time's candidates notary for having courage to challenge Gleason machine tyranny. If she violated any notary rules she should be sentenced to 10 years of hard labor! Are only the petitions of Gleason machine Butt boys like Wissinger and Legenfelder challenge proof? We do not want to see ballots in this County filled only with Gleason machine candidates!
Cambria County Commissioer,
Doug Lengenfelder,
Gleason Machine,
Mark Wissinger,
Sam Valenty
Thursday, June 23, 2011
When is a War not a War? When Obama is President and Libya is the Opponent | RedState
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Full Disclosure: How Many Degrees has aspiring triple dipper and Gleason Machine Butt Boy Legenfelder earned at taxpayer expense?
We Patriots have heard rumors that aspiring triple dipper Legenfelder has 33 degrees, many of them being advanced degrees. We are at a loss as to whether we should refer to Professor Legenfelder as Government-funded Professional Student, aspiring Triple dipper or just plain Gleason Machine Butt Boy, Legenfelder. Can we Patriots take a vote? Patriots we know Professor Triple Dipper Legenfelder has a Gleason Machine Problem, but we need to learn more about him. We fully recognize and applaud Legenfelders' service to the nation. Now we want to understand the Nation's service to Professor Legenfelder. For the record: Colonel Russell got his advanced degree in the Desert!!!!
Bill Russell,
Doug Lengenfelder,
Rob Gleason
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
First and foremost, we Patriots have nothing against HUNTSMAN; in fact he is our favorite OBAMA appointee. So here is what thinking Cambria County Patriots pray for: Get that pathetic, do-nothing Murtha JR, CRITZ to speak with ultra-liberal Casey JR. to tell OBAMA to appoint Emperor Gleason to some far-away ambassadorship. The Gleason machine can use his OBAMA appointment as their golden opportunity to sell insurance internationally. Wissinger and Legenfelder can go and be Gleason's embassy butlers. These Gleason Machine butt boys, Wissinger and Legenfelder, are perfectly suited for the job: they can say: "Yes Master!" in any language required with golden smiles. Leave Government reform and tax-payer friendly government in Cambria County to the Russell Brigade!!!
Bill Russell,
Cambria County Commissioner,
Doug Lengenfelder,
Mark Critz,
Mark Wissinger,
Russell Brigade,
Happy Summer Solstice: A NEW SUMMER Day is coming to Cambria County.
Hear the thunder? That's Lt. Colonel Russell and the Russell Brigade marching to lead the weary and oppressed Cambria County tax payers out of the Babylon of the Gleason Machine no-bid contracts and the do-nothing Democrats to the Promised Land of a tax-payer friendly, independent government. Tax payers: Join the Russell Brigades' assault on Ebensburg. A New Day is coming to Cambria County very soon and it is spelled RUSSELL!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
CREW does not need us to pay tribute to them. Before we leave the Murtha swamp, we need to remind our Patriots that the Gleason machine was a broker for many of the companies mentioned in the CREW lawsuit, including Kuchera and CTC. In fact, Emperor Gleason's wife is actually on the CTC board, which was one of PMA's cherished clients. AS Colonel Russell has stated: Murtha is dead; may he rest in peace. Patriots must join the Russell brigade to free Cambria County from Gleason Machine tyranny. Join Bill Russell and his invasion of Ebensburg to reform county government for us suffering taxpayers.
Bill Russell,
Cambria County Commissioner,
Ebensburg Patriots,
Friday, June 17, 2011
Romney leads, Bachmann breaks out in N.H. poll
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Ret. Army Lt. Col. Bill Russell Leads The Pack Among Likely Voters
Ret. Army Lt. Col. Bill Russell Leads The Pack Among Likely Voters
Bill Russell,
Cambria County Commissioner,
Ebensburg Patriots,
Mark Wissinger
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
GOP Presidential Debate,
Rob Gleason
Ms. Kiniry is the able personal assistant of PAGOP FINANCE CHAIR, Chris GLEASON. Will the PAGOP please disclose how much it spent in thwarting democracy and in the political emasculation of Feisty Senior Sam Valenty, through its direct attack mail program and legal fees in Ms. Kiniry's challenge?
Chris Gleason,
Sam Valenty
We offer a special shout out to Lois Kaneshiki and her group of Brave Patriots, Reform the Pa GOP. Kaneshiki reported on Valenty's political emasculation by the Gleason machine as early as May 20. Feisty Senior Sam said: "They (the Gleason machine) could not control me, so they didn't want me in," stated Valeny on Altoona Public Access TV. We call on the PAGOP to ask Chairman Gleason to step down: 1. His attacks against Feisty Senior Sam prove he has no sensitivity to PA Seniors, one of the biggest voting blocks of the GOP base. 2. Gleason is too conflicted commercially to wage a JIHAD for party purity. 3. Gleason's mean-spiritedness and conflicts will ultimately become a political liability to our Patriot brother Governor Corbett. IN the meantime we call on Valenty and all Patriots of good will to liberate Cambria County from Gleason tyranny. We salute Ms. Kaneshiki and Reform the GOP for her courage. Finally, we call on Feisty Senior Sam to bankroll Bill Russell and the Russell Brigade's march to liberate Ebensburg.
Bill Russell,
Cambria County Commissioner,
Ebensburg Patriots,
Governor Corbett,
Lois Kaneshiki,
Reform the PA GOP,
Rob Gleason,
Russell Brigade,
Sam Valenty
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Our postings on alleged intimidating insurance sales practices by the Gleason Machine, have caused quite a stir in our Patriot Community. Have any of our small business Patriots encountered intimidating insurance sales tactics by the Gleason Machine or threats when they terminated the Gleason Machine? As Bill Russell has often said: "We Patriots are nothing without solid political principles and without solid actionable Intelligence."
Bill Russell,
Ebensburg Patriots,
Rob Gleason
Cambria County's Own Prison Queen Kathy Holtzman Endorses Gleason Owned Candidates
Cambria County's OWN PRISON QUEEN KATHY HOLTZMAN ENDORSES GLEASON OWNED CANDIDATES: There has been a great deal of smoke and mirrors about Cambria's Correction System. Patriots, don't be fooled. Cambria County's Prisoner Coddler Queen and builder of Cambria's Taj Mahal prison, Kathy Holtzman is firmly standing behind the Gleason Machine candidates. The only change you can expect to see on the Cambria Corrections scene is that this Country Club Prison, maybe renamed in Ms. Holtzman's honor. Why is Kathy Holtzman so keen on spending taxpayers' funds on prisoners? We Patriots aren't entirely sure but we have some conjectures. We believe there is gold in them thar Prison contracts. Secondly, we believe that Gunner Gleason, super-criminal lawyer and the most charming member of the Gleason Machine (he has saved the necks of some of our Patriots) may wish to have even more control over the Criminal Justice system in the County and make sure his clients are housed in style, in the Holtzman Country Club. If any of our Patriot readers can help flush out this issue, we would certainly, appreciate the help. Here is what the Ebensburg Patriot's recommend: Retain Arizona's Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpiao, as a consultant to reform Cambria County Corrections. Sheriff Arpaio knows how to rehabilitate the worst that society has to offer. So the Gleason-owned candidates, want Prison Queen Holtzman as their consultant. Russell wants Sheriff Arpaio as his consultant. Patriots, you make the choice-it's not difficult.
Bill Russell,
Ebensburg Patriots,
Kathy Holtzman,
Maricopa County,
Rob Gleason,
Sheriff Joe Arpiao
Monday, June 13, 2011
A few of our Patriot readers have contacted us to complain about our constant reference to water magnate SAM VALENTY, as RINO SAM. These Patriots said the 90 year-old Valenty has already suffered enough from his political emasculation by the Gleason Machine. Well Mr. Valenty, we mean no harm. We urge you to join us and to finance the Russell's brigade's march to end Gleason Machine tyranny in Cambria County.
Chairman Gleason's RINO Hunt
How much did Gleason's RHINO hunt of Valenty cost the state party and it generous contributors? Will the PA GOP please disclose this? Valenty is 90 and never elected to office. Sportsmen: this is the political equivalent of hunting real 3 legged and blind Rhinos at the Pittsburgh Zoo with an M-16. And the truth is that if Valenty Water were a Gleason client, that RINO would be sleeping in his office for another 4 years while the Dem majority drives Cambria County back to the Stone Ages. There are plenty of Rhinos to purge in this county and in this State. We need real leadership with real courage to confront the Rinos in our County party beginning with the Gleason machine. Bill Russell and his mentor Peg Luksik are willing to take up the Challenge
Nonsense Patriots: The law suit filed by the Gleason Machine's personal assistant is a blatant attempt to thwart democracy. Ending this RINO's brief political career, was step one in installing Legenfelder and Wissinger as Gleason Machine contracting officers in Ebensburg. Support retired Army Lt. Col. Bill Russell for Independent Cambria County Commissioner!!!
Bill Russell will be meeting with Millionaire water-bottling RINO Valenty to enlist his financial support for our Crusade to save Cambria County. This meeting reminds us of the when the Emancipationist Lincoln and the Southern States Right Advocate Andrew Johnson joined forces in 1864 to Save the Union! We encourage the water-bottling magnate to join the Russell Brigade to save Cambria County from Gleason Machine tyranny. Russell's victory in November will be the best VINDICATION for this RINO. Sam, VINDICATION is spelled RUSSELL!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
What the Ebensburg Patriots fear the Most!
We believe the Gleason-owned commissioner candidates, if elected, will award the County Insurance contracts to the Gleason machine and other important county contracts to Gleason machine clients on a no-bid basis. We all have heard the expression to the Victor goes the spoils but this County cannot afford the Gleason Machine bringing Rendell-style practices to the Ebensburg courthouse. The Ebensburg Patriots stand for transparent Conservative government. The Gleason-owned candidates are not part of our TEA PARTY! For real government reform, we support Bill Russell's independent candidacy for Cambria County Commissioner.
The Ebensburg Patriots calls for an end to election rigging and tyranny.
Here is a story the Ebensburg Patriots heard. Can anyone confirm it? The Gleason Machine insurance services were terminated by Cambria County nearly 2 years ago. The Gleason Machine went ballistic and threatened former RINO Commissioner Bill Harris with a boycott of his funeral business. RINO Harris urinated in his pants, and then promptly left his fellow stiffs in Cambria County government to re-join his funeral business to bury stiffs. So if this story is true, what does it mean? The Gleason Machine-owned candidates are not interested in bringing real TEA Party government to Cambria County. Even RINOS like Harris and Valenty will join with the Ebensburg Patriots and Bill Russell's campaign for County Commissioner to end the Gleason Machine tyranny in Cambria County. Retired Army Lt. Col. Bill Russell fought tyranny in the desert and he will defeat tyranny and election rigging in Cambria County. God Bless retired Army Lt. Col. Bill Russell for his courage to stand up to the Gleason machine.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
It's time for PAGOP Chairman Gleason to step down.
Intel from our sources deep within the PAGOP: Our Harrisburg sources, tell us that the RINO Purging Committee meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays @ 7:30AM in the newly renovated GOP Headquarters. Our source is not sure who attends but is working on getting a copy of the RINO purging Committee's agenda. This same source alerted us to the rumor that Rob Gleason is supporting OBAMA appointee, the former Chinese ambassador Jon Huntsman. Has Gleason been cleared by Governor Corbett to throw the weight of the PAGOP behind this OBAMA appointee? We find it hard to believe because Corbett has always supported principled conservative candidates around this state. For the record, the Patriots support Sarah Palin for President and hope she announces soon and Bill Russell for Cambria County Commissioner
Bill Russell,
Cambria County Commissioer,
Cambria County Republican Party,
Pennsylvania Republican Party,
Rob Gleason
Bill Russell will put his boots on the ground to run for Cambria County Commissioner..
Our briefing with Colonel Russell: Bill told us that while he wanted to spend more time with his family, the call to serve and to reform Cambria County Government was too strong. He told us to start planning to gather petitions from Independents. Bill told us that if we wanted good conservative government in Cambria County, we needed to replace the Gleason machine. This great American told us that Cambria County regime change would be challenging but we had to frontally attack and confront the RINO leadership. From his wise perspective, Bill told us that he felt the Gleason machine was becoming a massive political liability for Governor Corbett. According to Bill, the Governor is a Patriot like us who stands for principled conservative leadership. He told us that Gleason's days at selling insurance from his throne in Harrisburg were numbered. He encouraged us to reach out to the Governor and his people. We concluded our briefing with the Lord's Prayer and implored our Heavenly Father to give Colonel Russell the strength to fight the Gleason Machine in Cambria County. Thanks be to God for this brave Patriot!
Bill Russell,
Cambria County Commissioer,
Cambria County Republican Party,
Rob Gleason
Friday, June 10, 2011
The Ebensburg Patriots endorse PAGOP RINO purging
The Patriots endorse the PAGOP spending state party money in GOP primaries to purge the party of RINOS. We just wonder if Gleason can be trusted to execute this RINO purging strategy. WHO sits on the RINO Purging committee? Governor Corbett, Toretti, Asher, Haas and Chris Gleason? Will the PAGOP disclose how much it spent in local GOP primaries to purge RINOS? To be clear we endorse RINO purging. We are not convinced that Gleason's main interest is in hav-ing principled candidates. We believe Gleason is more interested in selling insurance (and he is very good at it) rather than hunting RINOS.
Pennsylvania Republican Party,
Rob Gleason
Ebensburg Patriots to launch a pre-emptive strike against the Gleason Machine
The Ebensburg Patriots have pre-emptively obtained legal counsel. We fully expect a Gleason machine personal assistant to file an action against us to take away our right of Free Speech and thwart democracy using PAGOP funds to hire expensive Philadelphia lawyers. We are not RINOS; we are patriots. WE demand representation on the PAGOP's RINO purging committee. Bill Russell should chair this committee after he is elected Cambria County Commissioner.
Bill Russell,
Cambria County Republican Party,
Doug Lengenfelder,
Mark Wissinger,
Rob Gleason
How is Gleason spending donor's funds?
The Ebensburg Patriots call on the Gleason machine to appont Bill Russell to the PAGOP's RINO purging committee. The Patriots believe in democracy but there are certainly a lot of RINOS out there. WE want to join the Gleason machine and help them spend donor funds on this noble cause. Bill Russell has an innate sense to detect RHINOS and he will be more effective than your expensive Philadelphia lawyers.
Wasteful spending by the PAGOP?
How much did the PAGOP pay for the Gleason's personal assistant's appeal to the PA Supreme Court in the Gleason machine's attempt to thwart democracy and knock RINO Valenty off the ballot? If these RINO hunting lawyers, worked pro bono, then the Ebensburg Patriots commend them. RINO purging is a noble calling.
Cambria County Republican Party,
Rob Gleason,
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Internal poll puts Russell far ahead of Republican candidates for Cambria County Commissioner.
The Ebensburg Patriots poll was conducted by phone in two separate samples. May 24 through May 29 and the second between June 6 and 8. The poll had an overall sample size of 890. Its margin of error is considered to be plus or minus 3.3 percentage points.
Among Republicans, the poll handed Russell a sizable lead with 56 - percent support. Doug Lengenfelder captured only 19 - percent support and Wissinger to 12 - percent.
Among Republicans, the poll handed Russell a sizable lead with 56 - percent support. Doug Lengenfelder captured only 19 - percent support and Wissinger to 12 - percent.
Endorse Bill Russell for Commissioner
We heard it again today. Bill Russell is jumping in the Cambria County Commissioners race. And we hear that he is teaming up with his friend Peg Luksik. These two are true blue Americans. Russell and Luksik are guided by the same core values and principles as our patriots are. Russell is an independent thinker not a Gleason thinker. And Russell doesn't have any insurance contracts with Rob Gleason.
Russell's rules are:
1. Competitive bids for county insurance;
2. Fiscal responsibility and
3. Personal responsibility;
People need to feel the county government is working for them. Not the people working for the county government.
Russell's rules are:
1. Competitive bids for county insurance;
2. Fiscal responsibility and
3. Personal responsibility;
People need to feel the county government is working for them. Not the people working for the county government.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
It's Time For A Regime Change in Cambria County.
The Ebensburg Patriots call on Commissioner Valenty to endorse Bill Russell for County Commissioner. While Commissioner Valenty is a rotten RHINO, he like Bill Russell is an independent voice. Commissioner Valenty and Russell are not members of Gleason's insurance contractors club. It's time for Cambria County voters to declare its independence from the Gleason Party.
Cambria County Republican Party,
Pennsylvania Republican Party,
Rob Gleason,
Tribune Democrat
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Bill Russell to enter Cambria County Commissioners election.
Bill Russell to enter Cambria County Commissioners election.
What this? We hear that Bill Russell and Peg Luksik are teaming up again to make a run for the Cambria County Commissioner as an independent.
Ebensburg Patriots would endorse Russell's entry into the race. Russell is a true American and a patriot.
History shows us that Bill Russell has been an independent voice and can't be bought by Rob Gleason.
What this? We hear that Bill Russell and Peg Luksik are teaming up again to make a run for the Cambria County Commissioner as an independent.
Ebensburg Patriots would endorse Russell's entry into the race. Russell is a true American and a patriot.
History shows us that Bill Russell has been an independent voice and can't be bought by Rob Gleason.
Cambria County Republican Party,
Mark Wissinger,
Pennsylvania Republican Party,
Rob Gleason,
Tribune Democrat
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
There he goes again.
Every time there is an election, Gleason’s name comes up. He should be the Dem Chairman in PA.
We can’t figure out why the PA Repub Party keeps electing him State Chairman, at the very least he’s a RINO and at most a Dem Rat. Now Gleason and the PAGOP have hired Mark Wissinger, a candidate for Cambria County Commissioner and nominee for Gleason's RINO Club..
We can’t figure out why the PA Repub Party keeps electing him State Chairman, at the very least he’s a RINO and at most a Dem Rat. Now Gleason and the PAGOP have hired Mark Wissinger, a candidate for Cambria County Commissioner and nominee for Gleason's RINO Club..
Cambria County Republican Party,
Mark Wissinger,
Pennsylvania Republican Party
Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum To Officially Launch Presidential Bid In Early June - The Note
The Ebensburg Patriots call for an independent voice.
We need an independent voice in the Cambria County GOP like Bill Russell. Rather than the paid voices of Rob Gleason.
Cambria County Republican Party,
Pennsylvania Republican Party,
Rob Gleason,
Tribune Democrat
Sarah Palin calls to eliminate energy subsidies - Dan Berman and Dan Hirschhorn -
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