Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Ebensburg Patriots calls for an end to election rigging and tyranny.

Here is a story the Ebensburg Patriots heard.  Can anyone confirm it? The Gleason Machine insurance services were terminated by Cambria County nearly 2 years ago.  The Gleason Machine went ballistic and threatened former RINO Commissioner Bill Harris with a  boycott of his funeral business.  RINO Harris urinated in his pants, and then promptly left his fellow stiffs in Cambria County government to re-join his funeral business to bury stiffs.  So if this story is true, what does it mean?   The Gleason Machine-owned candidates are not interested in bringing real TEA Party government to Cambria County.  Even RINOS like Harris and Valenty will join with the Ebensburg Patriots and Bill Russell's campaign for County Commissioner to end the Gleason Machine tyranny in Cambria County.  Retired Army Lt. Col. Bill Russell fought tyranny in the desert and he will defeat tyranny and election rigging in Cambria County.   God Bless retired Army Lt. Col. Bill Russell for his courage to stand up to the Gleason machine.

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